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Special offer of the moment

Savings in physical cereals accessible to all.

Secure your savings and supplies

Buy or reserve physical wheat, corn, barley future and build your savings in cereal raw materials with ease. Get attractive discounts for all

Buy and grow
physical cereals

We have selected the best sustainable cereals produced in France and the Benelux, grown for you by our associated producers.

How to store and deliver after harvest.

Choose our free storage at our producers from where you can resell them

Store for free and without obligation

How to sell your cereals?

Easily manage and resell your grain savings.

Recover your funds as soon as you need them and those as soon as they are harvested by Turbocereal or resell your production cards to another member on our exchange.

Resell with 0% commission

Join our cooperative directly from €30 to €150,000 depending on your profile.

The €30 subscription is currently offered for any purchase of our sustainable cereal production cards.

Excerpt from our accessible offers
to Turbocereal members

Here is a selection of our best products to get you started. Each of them benefits from free storage, insurance included, and 0% commission on resale for the month of September. Our offers are numbered cards that can be transferred, the resale value depending on the date of purchase or the secondary market.

1 ton of soft wheat

Production margin / discount

7% annual

Hauts-de-France region

Récolte 2024

Quality 76 15 4 2 2 10.5

150 €

Carte numérotée échangeable

Production contract

50 tons of soft wheat

Production margin

7% annual

Hauts-de-France region

Harvest 2024

Quality 76 15 4 2 2 10.5

7,500 €

Exchangeable numbered card

Production contract

1 000 Tonne de blé tendre

Production margin

7% annual

Région hauts de France

Harvest 2024

Quality 76 15 4 2 2 10.5

150,000 €

Exchangeable numbered card

Production contract

You can resell but also have the cereals produced physically delivered to you. We ship throughout Europe in October-December by port silo, truck, or boat and are insured against theft and loss. In this option, a price supplement depending on the physical market on the day of the transaction will be payable before execution.

Trust an industry expert

Turbo cereal is the place for exchange and collaborative sharing of a farming family group of more than 5 generations in Hauts de France.

Over the past 35 years, the group has become a recognized player in the cereal sector in production and trading.

Let’s build our food sovereignty together


Offer from our partners


Nouvelle offre sur 12 mois

Turbo Cereal Investor Documents

Cereal invest investor documents

investment greater than €0.5M:

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