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Les clubs locaux
de Co-producteurs

Who wants to be our partner?

Turbo Cereal offers its members the opportunity to meet in local clubs around a location and a partner ambassador to exchange, share and also visit farms and food processing plants.  

Sur l'esprit des clubs d'investisseurs, les clubs "ateliers" locaux de co-producteurs regroupent jusque 25 membres associés dans la coopérative ( Producteurs, citoyens, investisseurs ).

Le club propose des réunions d'informations dans des lieux conviviaux mais aussi annuellement des visites groupées de fermes d'associés, d'usines agro-alimentaire partenaire afin de suivre et de mieux participer à la production agricole local...

Chaque associé membre d'un club local investi dans la production agricole sous forme de parts sociales, individuellement et confidentiellement, selon ses capacités et ses objectifs.

Souscription d'une durée de 1 à 5 ans ( minimum 1 récolte)

Pour les consommateurs et membres de la filière:

Carte de souscription à partir de 3 000 € ( 20 Tonnes) 

Pour les investisseurs avertis :

Carte de Production à partir de 150.000€ ( 1000 Tonnes )

Pour les possesseurs de crypto actifs:

Carte de Production à partir de 45.000 € ( 300 Tonnes )

Nous acceptons seulement les cryptos actifs acceptés pour conversion par notre partenaire 

Offres privées limitées aux membres initiés de la filière agricole.

Find a local club near you!

Why join a local associates club?

Joining a local associates club means, above all, being an actor in the agricultural sector.

Our commitment is to put your savings at the service of sustainable agricultural production in complete transparency with effects on the income of producers and on the environment.

By subscribing to the Turbo cereal solidarity cooperative, you become a co-producer and you have the guarantee that your action responds to a pioneering spirit of #FaireEnsemble

Who can join a club?

All agricultural enthusiasts who are members of the cooperative and who wish to co-produce for a minimum period of 1 year must be in order with their €30 membership subscription, their KYC and the signature of the member charter.

Clubs are tools which, based on the commitment of their associated members, are resolutely placed at the heart of economic and financial activity, to develop virtuous and supportive agricultural practices.

Each member:

- must control the use of his savings for which he is responsible.

- gives a practical meaning to his money to the notion of proximity

- gives priority to sustainable producers whose goals are ecological and human.

Through its network of local clubs, producer and co-producer members are concerned with economic efficiency and financial success for all.

The Turbo Cereal citizen cooperative aims to be at the crossroads of local savings, ethical savings and solidarity savings in a spirit of #DoingTogether.

Warning: even if this is limited by all the firewalls in place, the loss of capital when subscribing to shares is possible.

Comment rejoindre un club?

Contact the club ambassador or contact us.

Your benefits?

en plus de 2% de dividendes possible annuel, des gratifications offertes par nos agriculteurs associés correspondant à 4 à 10% des sommes souscrites, est versées annuellement après la récolte, sous forme de parts sociales ou sur votre comptes avantages en bons de consommations chez nos restaurateurs, boulangers, commerçants partenaires.


Open your own club...

You are a trader, restaurateur, baker, director of a department store, you wish to develop a members' club at home and be an ambassador.

contact us.

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